Friday, March 30, 2012

Blood Relations

Key Points

1.Basic Relationships :
Ø  Brother: Mother's or father's son

Ø  Sister: Mother's or father's daughter

Ø  Uncle: Mother's or father's brother

Ø  Aunt: Mother's or father's sister

Ø  Grandfather: Mother's or father's father

Ø  Grandmother: Mother's or father's mother

Ø  Nephew: Brother's son

Ø  Niece: Brother's daughter

Ø  Cousin: Uncle or aunt's son or daughter

Ø  Brother-in-Law: Sister's husband

Ø  Sister-in-Law: Brother's wife

Ø  Daughter-in-Law: Son's wife

Ø  Son-in-Law: Daughter's husband

Ø  Sister-in-Law: Husband's or wife's sister

Ø  Brother-in-Law: Husband's or wife's brother
2. Relations of Paternal side:
Ø  Father's father → Grandfather
Ø  Father's mother → Grandmother
Ø  Father's brother → Uncle
Ø  Father's sister → Aunt
Ø  Children of uncle → Cousin
Ø  Wife of uncle → Aunt
Ø  Children of aunt → Cousin
Ø  Husband of aunt → Uncle

3. Relations of Maternal side:
Ø  Mother's father → Maternal grandfather
Ø  Mother's mother → Maternal grandmother
Ø  Mother's brother Maternal uncle
Ø  Mother's sister → Aunt
Ø  Children of maternal uncle → Cousin
Ø  Wife of maternal uncle → Maternal aunt

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