Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Problems on Direction sense

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Problems on Direction Sense :

1)      A person starting from his house travels 5 km to the west then travells 7 km to the right& then travells 4km to the left after which he travels 2km southwards & finally travelss 3 km westwards. hz far has he travelled from his house?

a. 14km b.13km c. 10km d. 15km
Solution : 
2)      After walking 6 km, I turned to the right and then walked 2 km. After then I turned to the left and walked 10 km. In the end, I was moving towards the North. From which direction did I start my journey?


3)      One morning Udai and Vishal were talking to each other face to face at a crossing. If Vishal's shadow was exactly to the left of Udai, which direction was Udai facing


 4)      Dev, Kumar, Nilesh, Ankur and Pintu are standing facing to the North in a playground such as given below:
  1. Kumar is at 40 m to the right of Ankur.
  2. Dev is are 60 m in the south of Kumar.
  3. Nilesh is at a distance of 25 m in the west of Ankur.
  4. Pintu is at a distance of 90 m in the North of Dev.
 Which one is in the North-East of the person. Who is to the left of Kumar?

5)If a boy starting from Nilesh, met to Ankur and then to Kumar and after this he to Dev and then to Pintu and whole the time he walked in a straight line, then how much total distance did he cover?
A.215 m B.155 m C.245 m D.185 m

Solution :

Required distance = 25 m + 40 m + 60 m + 90 m
Required distance = 215 m

6)  Rahul put his timepiece on the table in such a way that at 6 P.M. hour hand points to North. In which direction the minute hand will point at 9.15 P.M. ?
A. South-EastB. SouthC. NorthD. West  
Solution :

 7) Starting from the point X, Jayant walked 15 m towards west. He turned left and walked 20 m. He then turned left and walked 15 m. After this he turned to his right and walked 12 m. How far and in which directions is now Jayant from X?

A. 32 m, SouthB. 47 m, EastC. 42 m, NorthD. 27 m, South

Solution :

8) One evening before sunset Rekha and Hema were talking to each other face to face. If Hema's shadow was exactly to the right of Hema, which direction was Rekha facing?

A.North    B.South C.East    D.Data is inadequate

Solution :

In the evening sun sets in West. Hence then any shadow falls in the East. Since Hema's shadow was to the right of Hema. Hence Rekha was facing towards South.

9) One morning sujata started to walk towards the Sun. After covering some distance she turned to right then again to the right and after covering some distance she again turns to the right. Now in which direction is she facing?
A.North    B.South C.North-East    D.South-West
Solution :


Hence finally Sujata will face towards North.

10)  Golu started from his house towards North. After covering a distance of 8 km. he turned towards left and covered a distance of 6 km. What is the shortest distance now from his house?
A.10 km.    B.16 km.C.14 km    D.2 km.

Solution :

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