Monday, April 30, 2012

Profit and Loss Key Points

Key Points :
Cost Price :
The price, at which an article is purchased, is called its cost price, abbreviated as cost price.
Selling Price :
The price, at which an article is sold, is called its selling prices, abbreviated as selling price.
Profit or Gain :
If S.P. is greater than C.P., the seller is said to have a profit or gain.
Loss :
If S.P. is less than C.P., the seller is said to have incurred a loss.
Formule :
I).         Gain = (S.P.) - (C.P.)
II).        Loss = (C.P.) - (S.P.).
III).       Loss or gain is always reckoned on C.P.
IV).      Gain Percentage: (Gain %)
Gain % = (Gain x 100 / C.P)
V).       Loss Percentage: (Loss %)
Loss % = (Loss x 100 / C.P )
VI).      Selling Price: (S.P.)
SP = [(100 + Gain %) / 100 x C.P]
VII).     Cost Price: (C.P.)
C.P. = [(100 / (100 + Gain %) x S.P]
VIII).    If an article is sold at a loss of say, 35% then S.P. = 65% of C.P.
IX).      If an article is sold at a gain of say 35%, then S.P. = 135% of C.P.

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