Monday, April 30, 2012

Profit and loss Examples

Example Problems
1. A man buys a cycle for Rs.1400 and sells it at a loss of 15%. What is the selling price of the cycle?
 A.   Rs. 1090 B.  Rs. 1160   C.  Rs. 1190 D.  Rs. 1202
Solution : S.P     = 85% of Rs.1400
                          = Rs.(85/100×1400)=Rs.1190.
2. When a commodity is sold for Rs.34.80, there is a loss of 2%. What is the cost price of the commodity?
                A.  Rs. 26.10        B.  Rs.43
                C.  Rs. 43.20        D.  Rs. 46.40
Solution : C.P= Rs.(100 / 75×34.80) = Rs.46.40.
3. Sam purchased 20 dozens of toys at the rate of Rs. 375 per dozen. He sold each one of them at the rate of Rs. 33. What was his percentage profit?
                A.   3.5   B.  4.5   C.  5.6     D.  6.5
Solution : C.P of 1 toy= Rs.(375/12)
                        = Rs.31.25 S.P of 1 toy= Rs.33.
 Therefore,Profit= (1.75/31.25×100)% =(28/5)% =5.6%.
4. A fruit seller sells mangoes at the rate of Rs.9 per kg and thereby loses 20%. At what price per kg, he should have sold them to make a profit of 5%?
 A.  Rs.11.81        B.  Rs.12  C.  Rs.12.25 D.  Rs.12.31
Solution :  85 : 9 = 105 : x
                  x= (9×105/80) = Rs.11.81
              Hence, S.p per Kg= Rs.11.81
5.A shopkeeper give 12% additional discount on the discounted price, after giving an initial discount of 20% on the labelled price of a radio. If the final sale price of the radio is Rs.704, then what is its labelled price?
 A.  Rs. 844.80 B.  Rs. 929.28 C.  Rs. 1000 D.  Rs. 1044.80
Solution :
Let the labelled price be Rs.x.
88% of 80% of x                = 704
                x=(704x100x100 /88x80)
                = 1000. 
6. A man sells two flats at the rate of Rs.1.995 lakhs each. On one he gains 5% and on the other, he loses 5%. His gain or loss percent in the whole transaction is
 A.   0.25% loss   B.   0.25% gain C.   2.5% loss         D.  25% loss
Solution : Loss %= (5/ 10) ²% =(0.5) ²% = 0.25%.
7.Peter purchased a machine for Rs. 80,000 and spent Rs.5000 on repair and Rs.1000 on transport and sold it with 25% profit. At what price did he sell the machine?
A.  Rs. 1,05,100 B.  Rs. 1,06,250 C.  Rs. 1,07,500    D.  Rs. 1,17,500
Solution : C.P     = Rs.(80000+5000+1000)
                            = Rs.86000
Profit= 25%.
S.P          = 12.5% of Rs. 86000
8.Samant bought a microwave oven and paid 10 % less than the original price. He sold it with 30% profit on the price he had paid.What percentage of profit did samant earn on the original price?
A.   17%                B.  20% C.  27% D.  32%
Solution : Let the original price =Rs.100.
Then, C.P             = Rs.90.
S.P =130% of Rs. 90         =Rs.(130/100×90)
= Rs.117.
Required percentage     = (117 - 100)%
9.Kunal bought a suitcase with 15% discount on the labelled price. He said the suitcase for Rs.2880 with 20% profit on the labelled price. At what price did he buy the suitcase?
 A.  Rs.2040         B.  Rs.2400 C.  Rs.2604    D.  Rs.2640
Solution : Let the labelled price be Rs.x. Then, 120% of x = 2880
Therefore           x=(2880×100/120)
= 2400.
C.P = 85% of Rs.2400       = Rs(85/100x2400)
10.I gain 70 paise on Rs.70. My gain percent is
A.  0.1%                B.  1% C.  7%       D.  10%
Solution : Gain%=(0.70/70×100)% = 1%.

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